Home > COVID-19 Response > Integration of COVID-19 Measures in the Migration II project Interventions

The Confirmation of Uganda’s first case of COVID-19 on 21st March 2020 brought new challenges into the Secure Livelihoods for South Sudanese Refugees and Host Communities in West Nile region, Uganda. PALM Corps faced difficulties in maintaining social distancing with over 30 staff in office, delayed implementation of some activities because lockdown, no initial budget for COVID-19 measure, etc.

PALM Corps therefore, undertook activity re-planning  and implemented the following response measures:

  1. Supported all the staff with personal protective equipments (PPEs) and introduced compulsory temperature monitoring exercise and  hand washing before access to the office.
  2. Farmer Field School (FFS) groups were supported with hand washing materials and soap to ensure  hand washing before undertaking activities at mini group level.
  3. Field staff were relocated to Siripi field office in an effort to decongest the Arua office.
  4. We contributed assorted  food items and blankets to Arua district COVID-19 task force to  support the Institutional Quarantine Centre (IQC).
Mini group leaders of Asianzu Women FFS group updating savings record from individual members remitted through leaders. This innovation has sustained VSLA activities amidst COVID-19 restrictions on public gathering PALM Corps staff loading food items and blankets contributed to Arua District COVID-19 Taskforce to support the Institutional Quarantine Centre (IQC) as District Health Officer Arua (Right) looks on

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