Home > ProjectsOn Going Projects > Secure Livelihoods for South Sudanese Refugees and Host Communities in West Nile


The civil conflicts in South Sudan have since 2013 resulted in an increased influx of refugees into West Nile, Uganda. As of February 2017, the FAO estimated the total refugee population in the West Nile region at 628,000 people (86% women and children, 3% elderly, and 5 people per household.) While the progressive Uganda Refugee Act (2006) and Refugee Regulations (2010) allow refugees freedom of movement, the right to work, the right to own a business and property, access to education and health care right on arrival, refugees have to compete with the local citizens for scarce resources such as land, water, employment and main housing. It’s in a bid to enable refugees and host communities to achieve economic, social, and environmental self-sufficiency that PALM CORPS has taken on this project.

Unique Development

The project will develop a robust digital M+E system using ODK software. A database of all FFSs will be established and updated bi-annually. A baseline and evaluation study will be conducted, quarterly field monitoring visits, bi-annual performance review meetings, and audits will be done.

Key Objectives & Beneficiaries

The primary objective of the project is to ensure that refugees and host communities have secure livelihoods and contribute to sustainable development. The project is also aimed at promoting peaceful settlements for refugees and host communities where natural resources are conserved and shared. We also seek to increase the income of 750 targeted households and 225 youth in refuges and host communities as well as improve their nutrition status.

Implementation Strategies

30 Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) and 45 youth groups will be registered under local governments. Farmer field school facilitators will be trained and equipped, learning sites set and trainings conducted in climate smart agricultural practices, back yard gardening and safe nutrition. 6,250kgs of cow peas, 2,500 sachets of vegetable seeds, 1,875 bags of cassava cuttings, 750 hoes, 75 watering cans, 50 spray pumps, 70 liters of agro-chemicals, and 10,975kgs of fertilizers will be distributed as agro-inputs.
135 youth will be placed for apprenticeship training and start up kits will be provided together with business management training, market linkages and mentoring.
Periodic monitoring visits by management staff, board and local government leaders, as well as bi-annual group performance review meetings and annual district review and learning workshops, will be organized.


Agency for Accelerated Regional Development (AFARD) and Palm Corps secured a two-year funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation, Bruder und Schwester in Not Innsbruck (BSI) and Caritas Karnten. HORIZONT 3000 stands as the lead donor liaison, in charge of overall grant management, coordination and oversight of project planning.